Tag Archives: Multilevel Marketing

4 Tips for Building a Strong MLM Network

“Every great leader today with so many followers started by leading themselves”.

Multi-level businesses have infinite potential, but like most worthwhile endeavors, you get out of them what you put in. Building a strong MLM network is all about creating the connections today that will support your business for many years to come. That takes more than just good business sense and time commitment – it means making a personal connection with each and every member of your group and helping them succeed by following in your footsteps.

Start Every Person Off on the Right Foot

The most important time to connect with any member of your MLM organization is right at the beginning, in the first few weeks after he or she joins. A simple and easy approach is to routinely contact new members with a prepared course of emails or phone calls to welcome and motivate them.

A beginner who is new to network marketing won’t know quite what to expect or in their first few days or weeks, and someone who has previous MLM experience will most likely be comparing everything to their last network marketing company. In either case, they’ll have plenty of questions best answered by seasoned members of the group, who by default become the new members’ mentors.

Schedule Time to Support Your Team

A successful MLM business grows not just on the strength of its products, but on your ability to network and befriend the members of your downline organization. Set aside some time every day to answer emails, prepare training materials, and contact members of your downline who might have fallen out of touch.

Even a quick but genuine voice mail can go a long way toward establishing a relationship. Being available when they need you is even more important, both in terms of sharing your time and investing emotionally by caring about your members and their lives.

Keep Momentum with Frequent Meetings

It’s easy to inspire and motivate people if you meet frequently. The most successful MLM business groups meet every week (or more); a monthly meeting just isn’t enough to encourage new members and keep momentum going.

Commit to organizing a meeting at least every two weeks – better yet, a weekly meeting on the same day every week. If some members aren’t local, group conference calls can be arranged at a minimal cost to allow everyone to attend. Invite your team members to share experiences, talk about successes and projects they’re working on, and network with each other for mutual support. It’s also a great opportunity for you to organize bigger projects, such as trade show booths and other forms of outreach that you can do together.

Remember the Little Things

Network marketing is about much more than business – it is built on the strength of your relationships with each of your group members. Show them you care by paying attention to things like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.

A thoughtful greeting card (even a free online version) or a yearly wall calendar in the mail reminds people you care. Even the small, simple things can be big motivators to get them out to those all-important meetings and conference calls that will ensure their business success… and yours.

Every Single Journey Starts With Taking a Step

Hence, I present you with an opportunity to join me and build up yourself in a strong tested and trusted MLM business.

Join Me!



Posted by on June 2, 2011 in Network Marketing


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What to look out for in MLM……

Before we get into explaining what you should really be looking for when it comes to Network Marketing business opportunities I feel it is necessary to state some basic economic principles that need to be clearly understood. These are and will serve as your reference point as well as your commandment If I should;

1. In any business “Nothing happens until a Sale is made”. There is no need to set up and run a production line, set up a distribution & delivery system, hire accountants and so on unless a Sales person sells something!

2. Unless it is a government owned and funded enterprise virtually all businesses will derive their income and thus their profits by the sale, one way or another, of a product or of a service.

3. Other than the very top management executives, Salesmen or Saleswomen are, on average, the highest paid members of any company – due mainly to Principle number 1 above (”nothing happens until a sale is made”).

4. Businesses and companies that do not constantly strive to further develop and expand their sales will ultimately fail and disappear

5. If you have any doubt at any time please see Principle number 1 above again! Now…

Imagine a job, which offers you absolute independence. You decide who you will work with, you choose the working hours to suit yourself, and your co-workers are partners whom you can utterly trust. Think of a job which will allow you to fulfill your goals and ambitions, be a constant source of pleasure and will inspire you with enthusiasm. Consider how empowering it would be if you could define your own terms of success and you had the freedom and support to pursue those aims. You think it’s only a dream? Not at all! You can make this fantasy true sooner than you think. You only have to give us a little of your time and we will show you how to succeed.

To make your MLM deal even sweater, I am offering you a unique business opportunity, which could help achieve your dream lifestyle! FM Group and HSMP are your guide to Multi-Level Marketing Business.

Federico Mahora Group: ; Sponsor # 261018  ;

International Market Place a.k.a High Street Market Place HSMP:

My Referral Link:

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Posted by on June 1, 2011 in Network Marketing


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